
Duolingo test of english
Duolingo test of english

duolingo test of english duolingo test of english

That’s why we do everything in our power to anticipate foul play. While no assessment company can claim to be unhackable, a proactive approach decreases the overall risk of having a significant breach. In this model, security issues are addressed after there’s been a breach - so while a new security protocol might mitigate future attacks, the damage on real people has already been done. Overwhelmingly, it appears that test companies take a reactive approach, where new mitigation mechanisms are only put into place in response to scandals or attacks on their systems. Looking at the digital assessment industry as a whole, we've noticed a concerning pattern: there is a lack of published literature from assessment companies about the proactive steps they take towards cybersecurity. So how do digital test providers approach this new aspect of assessments? Attackers can compromise the security protocols, and allow malicious test takers to increase their scores by exploiting such vulnerabilities. However, digital tests inherit the unavoidable security vulnerabilities of computing systems, opening them up to novel cybersecurity attacks. Paper based tests are prone to a host of physical security problems that digital tests don’t have to worry about. One of the ways that test takers can cheat on the test is to subvert the security protocols employed by the test provider. That’s why we take the security of the Duolingo English Test very seriously - it’s imperative to ensure that every test taker's score is absolutely reliable.

duolingo test of english

We know that the Duolingo English Test can open the door to life-changing opportunities and that people work hard to get a good score. Not only does cheating inflate average scores, but every malicious test taker who circumvents security measures is also directly hurting the honest people who have worked hard to prepare for the test - cheating decreases their chances of being accepted to their college or university of choice.

Duolingo test of english